فوكس كونكر - 🦊 - Conquer
موضوع بعنوان :I'm doing everything GOOD but this how to fix HELP!!
الكاتب :invokergokku

                                                                                            Hello Everyone and sorry again 

I am doing everything good but how can i fix this i can not i try anything fixed need HELP?

1-i downloaded the full source 2D and the client 6609 everthing fine but in the end of it this ERROR

1-Link- everything fine port IP is the same with source and patch -> https://prnt.sc/mktcvv

2-Link-Debug good and started server ---> https://prnt.sc/mktda3

3- Link-When i login its stuck in half of game like this ---> https://prnt.sc/mktdi5

4-Link-And after waiting 5 min is this ---> https://prnt.sc/mktdr7


Help me please how do i fix this 

For all listen the beatifull voice of reading quran and learn

