فوكس كونكر - 🦊 - Conquer
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MusicGod 05-02-2019 03:43 مساء
i hsave hit this problem when trying to load the client.

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at vpscairo.Game.Entity.get_Level() in 
D:UsersMegadOneDriveDesktopco 6800vpscairo_sours_fullGameEntity.cs:line 1767
   at vpscairo.Datab*ase.EntityTable.SaveEntity(GameState c, MySqlConnection conn) in 
D:UsersMegadOneDriveDesktopco 6800vpscairo_sours_fullDatab*aseEntityTable.cs:line 491
   at vpscairo.Client.GameState.ShutDown() in 
D:UsersMegadOneDriveDesktopco 6800vpscairo_sours_fullClientGameState.cs:line 999

looks like it wont spawn a character does any 1 have any infomation on this problem plz. 

thanks for the help may god be with u 
فوكس كونكر - 🦊 - Conquer

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