REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('123456', '0000', '0000', '1074', '0', 'stc(50,10) += 1 1');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('123456', '0000', '0000', '1074', '0', 'stc(50,10) += 1 1');
INSERT INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('1234', '1235', '1236', '1073', '0', 'stc(50,10) == 1');
INSERT INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('1235', '0000', '0000', '1010', '2005', 'Yes, You have 1 Point');
INSERT INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('1236', '0000', '0000', '1010', '2005', 'No, You Don't Have 1 Point');
INSERT INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('12347', '12348', '0000', '1077', '6', 'select data from cq_statistic where player_id=%user_id and event_type=50 and data_type=10');
INSERT INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('12348', '15003', '0000', '0101', '0', 'You have %iter_var_data6 points.');
INSERT INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('12349', '0000', '0000', '1074', '0', 'stc(50,10) += -1 1');