من مواضيع :X-MeGo |
السلام عليكم
الاضافه من احمد شيتوس دعوه حلوه للراجل بقى
نبدأ بلاسلحه
Player او entity
#region EpicPirate K7host.com
public bool EpicPirate()
if (PlayerFlag == Game.PlayerFlag.Player)
var weapons = Owner.Weapons;
if (weapons.Item1 != null && weapons.Item2 != null)
if (weapons.Item1.ID / 1000 == 671 && weapons.Item2.ID / 1000 == 670)
return true;
return false;
#region EpicPirate K7host.com
if (iType == 670)
return Positions.Left;
if (iType == 671)
return Positions.Right;
#region EpicPirate K7host.com
if (ID >= 670003 && ID <= 670439)
return MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon;
if (ID >= 671003 && ID <= 671439)
return MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon;
if (iType == 671)
return MsgItemInfo.RightWeapon;
if (iType == 670)
return MsgItemInfo.LeftWeapon;
public static bool IsRapier(uint ID)
if (ID >= 611000 && ID <= 611439 || (ID >= 670000 && ID <= 670439))
{ return true; }
else { return false; }
public static bool IsPistol(uint ID)
if (ID >= 612000 && ID <= 612439 || ID >= 671000 && ID <= 671439)
{ return true; }
else { return false; }
#region Check Pirate
if (client.Player.Class >= 70 && client.Player.Class <= 75)
if (itemUsage.dwParam > 20)
if (!client.Equipment.Free(24))
if (IsRapier(client.Equipment.TryGetItem(24).ID))
if (IsPistol(item.ID))
can2wpn = true;
else if (!client.Equipment.Free(4))
if (IsRapier(client.Equipment.TryGetItem(4).ID))
if (IsPistol(item.ID))
can2wpn = true;
671239@@MightyRapierofAmbition@@70@@0@@120@@0@@0@@36@@0@@0@@0@@0@@200000@@0 @@2330@@1200@@0@@61@@0@@0@@0@@7099@@7099@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1000@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@20@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@EpicWeapon@@None@@5@@0@@0@@0@@1350@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
671009@@MightyRapierofInvasion@@70@@0@@5@@0@@0@@2 @@0@@0@@0@@153@@0@@15@@9@@0@@0@@61@@0@@0@@0@@1599@@1599@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@1@@1000@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@20@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@EpicWeapon@@None@@5@@0@@0@@0@@1350@@500@@0@@0@@0@@0@@0@@
#region EpicPirate(Melee)
if (attacker.EpicPirate())
#region EpicPirate 14570
// var lastattacked = attacked;
var spell20 = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(14570, attacker.Owner);
if (Kernel.Rate(spell20.Percent) && attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(14570) && attacker.EpicPirate())
MsgMagicEffect suse = new MsgMagicEffect(true);
suse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
suse.SpellID = spell20.ID;
suse.SpellLevel = spell20.Level;
suse.X = lastattacked.X;
suse.Y = lastattacked.Y;
foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects)
if (_obj == null)
attacked = _obj as Player;
if (attacked == null) continue;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y) <= spell20.Range)
if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee)) continue;
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Damage = 0;
damage = (damage * spell20.IncreaseDMG);
damage = (damage / spell20.DecreaseDMG);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell5);
suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster)
if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee)) continue;
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Damage = 0;
damage = (damage * spell20.IncreaseDMG);
damage = (damage / spell20.DecreaseDMG);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell20);
suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc)
attackedsob = _obj as MsgNpcInfoEX;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(lastattacked.X, lastattacked.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= 5)
if (Handle.CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell20))
// lastattacked = attackedsob;
uint damages = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack);
suse.Effect2 = attack.Effect2;
if (damages == 0) break;
Handle.ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damages, spell20);
suse.AddTarget(attackedsob.UID, damages, attack);
attacker.AttackPacket = attack;
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
//attacker.AttackPacket = null;
attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true);
#region EpicPirate 14580
// var lastattacked = attacked;
var spell21 = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(14580, attacker.Owner);
if (Kernel.Rate(spell21.Percent) && attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(14580) && attacker.EpicPirate())
#region EpicPirate
MsgMagicEffect suse = new MsgMagicEffect(true);
suse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
suse.SpellID = spell21.ID;
suse.SpellLevel = spell21.Level;
suse.X = lastattacked.X;
suse.Y = lastattacked.Y;
foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects)
if (_obj == null)
attacked = _obj as Player;
if (attacked == null) continue;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y) <= spell21.Range)
if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee)) continue;
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Damage = 0;
damage = (damage * spell21.IncreaseDMG);
damage = (damage / spell21.DecreaseDMG);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell21);
suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster)
if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee)) continue;
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Damage = 0;
damage = (damage * spell21.IncreaseDMG);
damage = (damage / spell21.DecreaseDMG);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell21);
suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc)
attackedsob = _obj as MsgNpcInfoEX;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(lastattacked.X, lastattacked.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= 5)
if (Handle.CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell5))
// lastattacked = attackedsob;
uint damages = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack);
suse.Effect2 = attack.Effect2;
if (damages == 0) break;
Handle.ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damages, spell5);
suse.AddTarget(attackedsob.UID, damages, attack);
attacker.AttackPacket = attack;
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
//attacker.AttackPacket = null;
attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true);
#region EpicPirate 14590
// var lastattacked = attacked;
var spell22 = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(14590, attacker.Owner);
if (Kernel.Rate(spell22.Percent) && attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(14590) && attacker.EpicPirate())
// if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(14590) && attacker.EpicPirate())
#region EpicPirate
MsgMagicEffect suse = new MsgMagicEffect(true);
suse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
suse.SpellID = spell22.ID;
suse.SpellLevel = spell22.Level;
suse.X = lastattacked.X;
suse.Y = lastattacked.Y;
foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects)
if (_obj == null)
attacked = _obj as Player;
if (attacked == null) continue;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(attacked.X, attacked.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y) <= spell22.Range)
if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee)) continue;
attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzfwodrd", true);// hdswzfwodrd
attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzf-shouji", true);
attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzf-shifa", true);
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Damage = 0;
damage = (damage * spell22.IncreaseDMG);
damage = (damage / spell22.DecreaseDMG);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell22);
suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster)
if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee)) continue;
attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzfwodrd", true);// hdswzfwodrd
attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzf-shouji", true);
attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzf-shifa", true);
uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
attack.Damage = 0;
damage = (damage * spell22.IncreaseDMG);
damage = (damage / spell22.DecreaseDMG);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell22);
suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc)
attackedsob = _obj as MsgNpcInfoEX;
if (Kernel.GetDistance(lastattacked.X, lastattacked.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= 5)
if (Handle.CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell5))
attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzfwodrd", true);// hdswzfwodrd
attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzf-shouji", true);
attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzf-shifa", true);
// lastattacked = attackedsob;
uint damages = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack);
suse.Effect2 = attack.Effect2;
if (damages == 0) break;
Handle.ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damages, spell5);
attacker.AttackPacket = attack;
attacker.AttackPacket = null;
//attacker.AttackPacket = null;
attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true);
//case 14720:
#region EpicPirate 14720
// var lastattacked = attacked;
var spell23 = Database.SpellTable.GetSpell(14720, attacker.Owner);
if (Kernel.Rate(spell23.Percent) && attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(14720) && attacker.EpicPirate())
#region EpicPirate
MsgMagicEffect suse = new MsgMagicEffect(true);
suse.Attacker = attacker.UID;
suse.SpellID = spell23.ID;
suse.SpellLevel = spell23.Level;
ushort _X = attacker.X, _Y = attacker.Y;
ushort _tX = X, _tY = Y;
byte dist = (byte)spell23.Distance;
var Array = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects;
InLineAlgorithm algo = new InLineAlgorithm(attacker.X, X, attacker.Y, Y, dist,
X = attacker.X;
X = attacker.Y;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < algo.lcoords.Count; i++)
if (attacker.Owner.Map.Floor[algo.lcoords[i].X, algo.lcoords[i].Y, MapObjectType.Player]
&& !attacker.ThroughGate(algo.lcoords[i].X, algo.lcoords[i].Y))
X = (ushort)algo.lcoords[i].X;
Y = (ushort)algo.lcoords[i].Y;
suse.X = X;
suse.Y = Y;
if (!attacker.Owner.Map.Floor[X, Y, MapObjectType.Player, null])
double disth = 1.5;
foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in Array)
bool hit = false;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (
Kernel.GetDDistance(_obj.X, _obj.Y, (ushort)algo.lcoords[j].X,
(ushort)algo.lcoords[j].Y) <= disth)
hit = true;
if (hit)
if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster)
attacked = _obj as Player;
if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell23,
attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee))
var damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack);
damage = (damage * spell23.IncreaseDMG);
damage = (damage / spell23.DecreaseDMG);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell23);
attacked.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "zssjhdsssj", true);
suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)
attacked = _obj as Player;
if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell23,
attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee))
var damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked,
ref attack);
damage = (damage * spell23.IncreaseDMG);
damage = (damage / spell23.DecreaseDMG);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell23);
attacked.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "zssjhdsssj", true);
suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack);
else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc)
attackedsob = _obj as MsgNpcInfoEX;
if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell23))
var damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker,
attackedsob, ref attack);
//damage = (damage * spell.IncreaseDMG);
//damage = (damage / spell.DecreaseDMG);
ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell23);
attacked.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "zssjhdsssj", true);
suse.AddTarget(attackedsob.UID, damage, attack);
attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true);
#region Epic Pirate #region SeaBurial // attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdhlyz-lsyujing", true);// الليزر // attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdhlyz-shouji", true);// دائة علي الوحش // attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdhlyz-hsyujing", true); case 14680: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); MsgMagicEffect suse = new MsgMagicEffect(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; ushort _X = attacker.X, _Y = attacker.Y; ushort _tX = X, _tY = Y; byte dist = (byte)spell.Distance; var Array = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects; InLineAlgorithm algo = new InLineAlgorithm(attacker.X, X, attacker.Y, Y, dist, InLineAlgorithm.Algorithm.DDA); X = attacker.X; Y = attacker.Y; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < algo.lcoords.Count; i++) { if (attacker.Owner.Map.Floor[ algo.lcoords[i].X, algo.lcoords[i].Y, MapObjectType.Player] && !attacker.ThroughGate(algo.lcoords[i].X, algo.lcoords[i].Y)) { X = (ushort)algo.lcoords[i].X; Y = (ushort)algo.lcoords[i].Y; } else { break; } } suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; #region floor MsgName str = new MsgName(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.X = X; str.Y = Y; str.PositionX = attacker.X; str.PositionY = attacker.Y; str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect; // str.Action = MsgName.Mode.MapEffect; str.Texts.Add("hdhlyz-lsyujing"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str.ToArray(), true); /* MsgName str2 = new MsgName(true); str2.UID = attacker.UID; str2.TextsCount = 0; str2.Action = MsgName.Mode.Sound; str2.Texts.Add("sound/Pirate_Skill_SuperFire.wav"); str2.Texts.Add("0"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str2, true); MsgName str3 = new MsgName(true); str3.Action = MsgName.Mode.Sound; str3.UID = attacker.UID; str3.TextsCount = 1; str3.Texts.Remove("sound/Pirate_Skill_SuperFire.wav"); str3.Texts.Add("sound/0"); // str3.Texts.Remove("0"); str3.Texts.Clear(); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str3, true);*/ //////////////////////////////////////// attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzfwodrd", true); //طق طق attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzf-shifa", true); //هالة نار حوليك attacker.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdswzf-shouji", true); // ازرق تحت رجليك MsgAction data = new Network.GamePackets.MsgAction(true); data.UID = attacker.UID; data.X = X; data.Y = Y; data.ID = MsgAction.Mode.FlashStep; data.wParam1 = attacker.X; data.wParam2 = attacker.Y; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(data, true); ////////////////////////////////////// var map = attacker.Owner.Map; MsgMapItem floorItem = new MsgMapItem(true); // floorItem.UID = 698; // floorItem.UID = attacker.UID; floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.MsgMapItem.FloorUID.Next; // while (map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID)) // floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.MsgMapItem.FloorUID.Next; floorItem.ItemID = 1850; floorItem.ItemColor = (Enums.Color)16; floorItem.MapID = attacker.MapID; floorItem.Type = MsgMapItem.Effect; floorItem.X = attacker.X; floorItem.Y = attacker.Y; floorItem.MapID = map.ID; floorItem.mColor = 16; floorItem.OwnerUID = 613; // floorItem.OwnerUID = attacker.UID / 1000 + 100 ; floorItem.Time = 0; floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now; floorItem.Owner = attacker.Owner; map.AddFloorItem(floorItem); attacker.Owner.SendScreenSpawn(floorItem, true); map.AddFloorItem(floorItem); attacker.Owner.SendScreenSpawn(floorItem, true);//abogamil #endregion if (!attacker.Owner.Map.Floor[X, Y, MapObjectType.Player, null]) return; double disth = 2.5; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in Array) { bool hit = false; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) if ( Kernel.GetDDistance(_obj.X, _obj.Y, (ushort)algo.lcoords[j].X, (ushort)algo.lcoords[j].Y) <= disth) hit = true; if (hit) { if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster) { attacked = _obj as Player; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee)) { var damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); damage = (damage * spell.IncreaseDMG); damage = (damage / spell.DecreaseDMG); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell); suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack); } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Player; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.InteractType == MsgInteract.Melee)) { var damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); damage = (damage * spell.IncreaseDMG); damage = (damage / spell.DecreaseDMG); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, ref damage, spell); suse.AddTarget(attacked.UID, damage, attack); } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as MsgNpcInfoEX; if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { var damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); //damage = (damage * spell.IncreaseDMG); //damage = (damage / spell.DecreaseDMG); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.AddTarget(attackedsob.UID, damage, attack); } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region ImmortalForce case 14710: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { attacker.GreenEffect = 10; PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); MsgMagicEffect suse = new MsgMagicEffect(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.Attacker1 = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.AddTarget(attacker.UID, 0, null); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacker.ImmortalForceStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.ImmortalForce); // else // attacker.RemoveFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.ImmortalForce); /* attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test10); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test11); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test12); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test13); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test14); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test15); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test17); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test18); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test19); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test20); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test21); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test22); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test23); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test24); attacker.AddFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.test25);*/ } break; } #endregion #endregion
#region Epic Pirate ImmortalForce if (attacked.ContainsFlag4(MsgUpdate.Flags4.ImmortalForce)) { attacked.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "hdyh-debuff", true); // aaa hdyh-debuff return false; } #endregion
#region Epic Pirate ImmortalForce if (Now > client.Player.ImmortalForceStamp.AddSeconds(7)) client.Player.RemoveFlag4((ulong)MsgUpdate.Flags4.ImmortalForce); #endregion
#region PirateLord case 4272: { dialog.Avatar(234); byte mClass = 70; byte MClass = 75; string Class = "PirateLord"; switch (npcRequest.OptionID) { case 0: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { dialog.Text("I am the master of the Pirate skills. The Pirate skills, are not skills that would make wounds but heal them. As I see, you started your way on conquering this world. I will try to help you teaching you warrir skills and promoting you."); if (client.Quests.CheckQuest(QuestID.TalkToPirateLord, MsgTaskStatus.QuestData.QuestStatus.Accepted)) { dialog.Option("Learn~about~Promotion.", 152); } dialog.Option("Promote me.", 1); dialog.Option("Learn skills.", 2); dialog.Option("Learn Pure Skill", 80); dialog.Option("Learn epic Skill", 110); dialog.Option("Learn epic Weapon for 50k cps", 190); dialog.Option("strat weapon Epic", 210); //dialog.Option("Bound Items.", 49); dialog.Option("Just passing by.", 255); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("Sorry, but you are not a"); dialog.Text("~Pirate."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } #region EpicPirate case 210: { Interfaces.IProf proficiency = new Network.GamePackets.MsgWeaponSkill(true); proficiency.ID = 671; proficiency.Level = 12; proficiency.Experience = 12; client.AddProficiency(proficiency); Interfaces.IProf proficiency2 = new Network.GamePackets.MsgWeaponSkill(true); proficiency2.ID = 670; proficiency2.Level = 12; proficiency2.Experience = 12; client.AddProficiency(proficiency2); break; } case 190://epic Weapon { if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 500000) { if (client.Inventory.Count <= 32) { client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 500000; // client.Inventory.AddBound1(670439, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Pistol client.Inventory.Additemsuper12(670439, 12, 7, 254, 13, 13, 1); client.Inventory.Additemsuper12(671439, 12, 7, 254, 13, 13, 1); // client.Inventory.AddPer(671439, 800811, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Rapier // client.Inventory.AddPer(670439, 800810, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Pistol // client.Player.Teleport(1002, 310, 277); } else dialog.Text("please make more space in your Inventory"); } else dialog.Text("you don't have 50k Cps"); break; } case 110: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { dialog.Text("Let me know what you want to learn."); dialog.Option("Normal Attack.", 114); dialog.Option("SeaBurial. (Lvl 15).", 111); dialog.Option("ImmortalForce (Lvl 15).", 112); dialog.Option("BloomofDeath (Lvl 15).", 113); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 114: { dialog.Text("You have learned Have skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(14570)); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(14580)); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(14590)); break; } case 111: { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(14680))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } dialog.Text("You have learned Have skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(14680)); break; } case 112: { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(14710))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } dialog.Text("You have learned Have skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(14710)); break; } case 113: { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(14720))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } dialog.Text("You have learned Have skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(14720)); break; } #endregion #region Daily Quest case 152: { dialog.Text("Ah, you look promising. I bet `Dragon-Warrior` will be a big name in a short time. Listen, you can learn class skills and"); dialog.Text("~get promoted here to start your life. Would you like to learn something about your class promotion and quests?"); dialog.Option("Thanks.", 153); dialog.Option("Learn~about~the~class.", 0); dialog.Avatar(259); break; } case 153: { dialog.Text("Wow, look at you, you`ll be another hero in the world of Conquer! Here, you can learn some skills and get promoted! Do you want to learn more?"); dialog.Option("Job~Promotion~2.", 154); dialog.Option("Learn~more.", 0); dialog.Avatar(259); client.Quests.FinishQuest(QuestID.TalkToPirateLord); client.IncreaseExperience(Game.Attacking.Calculate.Percent((int)client.ExpBall, 1.10F), false); MsgName str = new MsgName(true); str.UID = client.Player.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Action = MsgName.Mode.Effect; str.Texts.Add("end_task"); client.SendScreen(str, true); break; } case 154: { dialog.Text("After you reach level 15, you can get promoted in the Job Center of Twin City. You will get a new class title, enhanced attributes and skills from the promotion. Afterwards, your can be promoted at level 40, 70, 100 and 110."); dialog.Text("~However, you may have to pay some rare items to get promoted to a higher level class."); dialog.Option("I~want~to~get~promoted!", 155); dialog.Avatar(259); break; } case 155: { dialog.Text("If you can meet the requirements to be promoted, you can come to me to learn the skills of your class. Click the Skill button, and you can see the skills you have learnt. Drag and drop a skill in the shortcut slot,"); dialog.Text("~and you can use the skill anytime it is needed!"); dialog.Option("Thanks.", 156); dialog.Avatar(259); break; } case 156: { client.Player.Delivery = true; client.Player.Teleport(1002, 477, 299); client.Quests.SendPathFinding("KungFu~Captain~Blacksmith~asked~you~to~speak~with~the~TC~Captain~to~see~if~there~is~anything~you~can~do", 1002, 527, 318, 7991); break; } #endregion #region BoundItems case 49: { dialog.Text("Hey how I can help you ? "); if (!client.BootsClaim) dialog.Option("Boots - Free ", 53); if (!client.NecklaceClaim) dialog.Option("Necklace - Free ", 30); if (!client.FanClaim) dialog.Option("Fan - Free ", 4); if (!client.TowerClaim) dialog.Option("Tower - Free ", 22); if (!client.ArmorClaim) dialog.Option("Armor - Free", 27); if (!client.HeadgearClaim) dialog.Option("HeadGear - Free", 34); if (!client.WeaponClaim) dialog.Option("Weapone - Free", 26); if (!client.RingClaim) dialog.Option("Ring - Free", 23); dialog.Send(); break; } case 22: { uint itemid = 202009; byte level = 100; if (!client.TowerClaim) { if (client.Player.Level >= level) { MsgItemInfo item = new MsgItemInfo(true); item.ID = itemid; item.Color = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Color.White; item.Durability = item.MaximDurability = AboGamil.Database .ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid].Durability; item.Bound = true; //////items.Socket = 3; //////items.SocketOne = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem; //////items.SocketTwo = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem; if (client.Inventory.Add(item, AboGamil.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd)) { client.TowerClaim = true; } else { dialog.Text("You need atleast one free slot in your inventory."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Avatar(215); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("You don't have atleast level " + level + "."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Avatar(215); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("You cannot claim it twice."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Avatar(215); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 4: { uint itemid = 201009; byte level = 100; if (!client.FanClaim) { if (client.Player.Level >= level) { MsgItemInfo item = new MsgItemInfo(true); item.ID = itemid; item.Color = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Color.White; item.Durability = item.MaximDurability = AboGamil.Database .ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid].Durability; item.Bound = true; //////items.Socket = 3; //////items.SocketOne = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem; //////items.SocketTwo = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem; if (client.Inventory.Add(item, AboGamil.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd)) { client.FanClaim = true; } else { dialog.Text("You need atleast one free slot in your inventory."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Avatar(215); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("You don't have atleast level " + level + "."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Avatar(215); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("You cannot claim it twice."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Avatar(215); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 30: { uint itemid = 120129; MsgItemInfo items = new MsgItemInfo(true); items.ID = itemid; items.Color = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Color.White; items.Durability = items.MaximDurability = AboGamil.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid].Durability; items.Bound = true; //////items.Socket = 5; //////items.SocketOne = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; ////items.SocketTwo = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; if (client.Inventory.Add(items, AboGamil.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd)) { client.NecklaceClaim = true; } break; } case 53: { uint itemid = 160139; MsgItemInfo items = new MsgItemInfo(true); items.ID = itemid; items.Color = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Color.White; //////items.Socket = 5; items.Bound = true; //////items.SocketOne = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; ////items.SocketTwo = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; items.Durability = items.MaximDurability = AboGamil.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid].Durability; if (client.Inventory.Add(items, AboGamil.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd)) { client.BootsClaim = true; } break; } case 23: { uint itemid = 150139; MsgItemInfo items = new MsgItemInfo(true); items.ID = itemid; items.Color = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Color.White; //////items.Socket = 5; items.Bound = true; //////items.SocketOne = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; ////items.SocketTwo = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; items.Durability = items.MaximDurability = AboGamil.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid].Durability; if (client.Inventory.Add(items, AboGamil.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd)) { client.RingClaim = true; } break; } case 26: { if (client.Player.Class >= 70 && client.Player.Class <= 75) { uint itemid = 612139; MsgItemInfo itemss = new MsgItemInfo(true); itemss.ID = itemid; itemss.Color = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Color.White; itemss.Plus = 5; itemss.Bound = true; itemss.SocketOne = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; itemss.SocketTwo = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; itemss.Durability = itemss.MaximDurability = AboGamil.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid].Durability; if (client.Inventory.Add(itemss, AboGamil.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd)) { client.WeaponClaim = true; } MsgItemInfo items = new MsgItemInfo(true); items.ID = 611139; items.Color = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Color.White; //////items.Socket = 5; items.Bound = true; //////items.SocketOne = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; ////items.SocketTwo = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; items.Durability = items.MaximDurability = AboGamil.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid].Durability; if (client.Inventory.Add(items, AboGamil.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd)) { client.WeaponClaim = true; } } break; } case 27: { if (client.Player.Class >= 70 && client.Player.Class <= 75) { uint itemid = 139069; MsgItemInfo items = new MsgItemInfo(true); items.ID = itemid; items.Color = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Color.White; //////items.Socket = 5; items.Bound = true; //////items.SocketOne = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; ////items.SocketTwo = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; items.Durability = items.MaximDurability = AboGamil.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid].Durability; if (client.Inventory.Add(items, AboGamil.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd)) { client.ArmorClaim = true; } } break; } case 34: { if (client.Player.Class >= 70 && client.Player.Class <= 75) { uint itemid = 144069; MsgItemInfo items = new MsgItemInfo(true); items.ID = itemid; items.Color = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Color.White; //////items.Socket = 5; items.Bound = true; //////items.SocketOne = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; ////items.SocketTwo = AboGamil.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; items.Durability = items.MaximDurability = AboGamil.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid].Durability; if (client.Inventory.Add(items, AboGamil.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd)) { client.HeadgearClaim = true; } } break; } #endregion case 100: { if (client.Player.Class >= 70 && client.Player.Class <= 71) { if (client.Player.Class == 71) { dialog.Text("Do you want to become a pirate?"); dialog.Option("Yes sir.", 254); dialog.Option("No thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("To promote now you need" + client.PromoteItemNameNeed + " level " + client.PromoteLevelNeed + "."); dialog.Option("Promote me sir.", 254); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 254: { if (client.Player.Class == 70) { client.Player.Class++; client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "end_task", true); dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } else if (client.Player.Class == 71) { client.Player.Class = 72; client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "end_task", true); dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 80: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.FirstRebornClass >= 72 && client.Player.FirstRebornClass <= 75 && client.Player.SecondRebornClass >= 72 && client.Player.SecondRebornClass <= 75) { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11040))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } dialog.Text("You have learned ScurvyBomb."); dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11040)); } else { dialog.Text("You are not allowed, I think your not promoted yet or your not pure Wtitleer."); dialog.Option("Thank you.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 1: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { if (client.Player.Class == MClass) { dialog.Text("You cannot be promoted anymore. You have mastered your class."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("To promote now you need" + client.PromoteItemNameNeed + " level " + client.PromoteLevelNeed + "."); dialog.Option("Promote me sir.", 3); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 3: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { if (client.Player.Class == MClass) { dialog.Text("You cannot be promoted anymore. You have mastered your class."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } else { if (client.PromoteItemNeed == 721020) { if (client.Inventory.Remove("moonbox")) { client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, 0, 1); client.Player.Class++; client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "end_task", true); dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments."); dialog.Option("Ahh.", 255); dialog.Send(); } return; } if (client.Inventory.Contains(client.PromoteItemNeed, client.PromoteItemCountNeed) && client.Player.Level >= client.PromoteLevelNeed) { client.Inventory.Remove(client.PromoteItemNeed, client.PromoteItemCountNeed); client.Inventory.Add(client.PromoteItemGain, 0, 1); client.Player.Class++; client.Player.Update(MsgName.Mode.Effect, "end_task", true); dialog.Text("Congratulations! You have been promoted."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("You don't meet the requierments."); dialog.Option("Ahh.", 255); dialog.Send(); } } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 2: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { dialog.Text("Let me know what you want to learn."); dialog.Option("Windstorm. (Lvl 15).", 15); dialog.Option("CannonBarrage (Lvl 15).", 7); dialog.Option("Eagle Eye (Lvl 15).", 5); dialog.Option("GaleBomb. (Lvl 25).", 9); dialog.Option("Adrenaline Rush. (Lvl 40).", 8); dialog.Option("Blackbeard`sRage. (Lvl 40).", 19); dialog.Option("Next.", 20); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 19: { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11060))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } dialog.Text("You have learned BladeTempest skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11060)); break; } case 21: { if (client.Player.Level >= 40) { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11110))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Avatar(87); dialog.Send(); } dialog.Text("You have learned BladeTempest skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11110)); } else { dialog.Text("You aren't level 40."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 20: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { dialog.Text("Let me know what you want to learn."); dialog.Option("BlackSpot. (Lvl 40).", 11); dialog.Option("BladeTempest. (Lvl 40).", 21); dialog.Option("Kraken`sRevenge. (Lvl 70).", 10); dialog.Option("Back.", 2); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 5: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { if (client.Player.Level >= 1) { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11030))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } dialog.Text("You have learned Eagle Eye skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11030)); } else { dialog.Text("You need to be level 1 or more."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 7: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { if (client.Player.Level >= 1) { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11050))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } dialog.Text("You have learned the lightning xp skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11050)); } else { dialog.Text("You need to be level 1 or more."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 8: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { if (client.Player.Level >= 40) { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11130))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } dialog.Text("You have learned the AdrenalineRush skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11130)); } else { dialog.Text("You need to be level 40 or more."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 9: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { if (client.Player.Level >= 40) { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11070))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } dialog.Text("You have learned the Gale Bomb skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11070)); } else { dialog.Text("You need to be level 40 or more."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 10: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { if (client.Player.Level >= 70) { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11100))) { if (client.Player.Reborn >= 1 && client.Player.FirstRebornClass == 75) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } dialog.Text("You are not reborn or first reborn not Pirate."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11100)); } else { dialog.Text("You have learned the Kraken`sRevenge skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("You need to be level 70 or more."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 11: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { if (client.Player.Level >= 40) { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11120))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } dialog.Text("You have learned the BlackSpot skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11120)); } else { dialog.Text("You need to be level 40 or more."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 15: { if (client.Player.Class >= mClass && client.Player.Class <= MClass) { if (client.Player.Level >= 15) { if (!client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11140))) { dialog.Text("You already know this skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } dialog.Text("You have learned the WindStorm skill."); dialog.Option("Thank you master.", 255); dialog.Send(); client.AddSpell(LearnableSpell(11140)); } else { dialog.Text("You need to be level 70 or more."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("I will not tell any of the " + Class + " secrets to another class, so, good bye."); dialog.Option("Alright.", 255); dialog.Send(); } break; } } break; } #endregion
14570 14570 78 LeftChop 1 1 0 0 0 0 30200 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 20243 15 0 61626626 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14580 14580 78 RightChop 1 1 0 0 0 0 30200 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 20243 15 0 61626626 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14590 14590 81 Gunfire 1 1 0 0 0 0 30200 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 20243 15 0 61626626 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14680 14680 90 SeaBurial 1 1 0 0 0 0 30100 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 10000 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14681 14680 0 SeaBurial 1 1 0 0 0 0 30102 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 30000 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14682 14680 5 SeaBurial 1 1 0 0 0 0 30104 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 60000 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 14683 14680 90 SeaBurial 1 1 0 0 0 0 30106 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 120000 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14684 14680 90 SeaBurial 1 1 0 0 0 0 30108 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 240000 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 14685 14680 90 SeaBurial 1 1 0 0 0 0 30110 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 6000000 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14686 14680 90 SeaBurial 1 1 0 0 0 0 30115 0 30 0 3 8 0 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 14710 14710 6 ImmortalForce 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14711 14710 6 ImmortalForce 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14712 14710 6 ImmortalForce 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14713 14710 6 ImmortalForce 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14714 14710 6 ImmortalForce 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14715 14710 6 ImmortalForce 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14716 14710 6 ImmortalForce 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14717 14710 6 ImmortalForce 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14718 14710 6 ImmortalForce 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14720 14720 21 BloomofDeath 1 1 4 0 0 0 30180 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14721 14720 21 BloomofDeath 1 1 4 1 0 0 30185 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14722 14720 21 BloomofDeath 1 1 4 2 0 0 30195 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14723 14720 21 BloomofDeath 1 1 4 3 0 0 30200 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14724 14720 21 BloomofDeath 1 1 4 4 0 0 30220 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14725 14720 21 BloomofDeath 1 1 4 5 0 0 30225 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14726 14720 21 BloomofDeath 0 0 0 6 0 0 30230 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14727 14720 21 BloomofDeath 0 0 0 7 0 0 30235 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14728 14720 21 BloomofDeath 0 0 0 8 0 0 30245 0 100 10 0 0 220 0 0 15 0 60671670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14740 14740 72 diekk7host 0 0 0 2 0 0 4721 0 100 0 0 10 1 0 100 40 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 14741 14740 72 diekk7host 0 0 0 2 1 0 4722 0 100 0 0 10 1 0 100 40 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 14742 14740 72 diekk7host 0 0 0 2 2 0 4723 0 100 0 0 10 1 0 100 40 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 14743 14740 72 diekk7host 0 0 0 2 3 0 4724 0 100 0 0 10 1 0 100 40 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 14744 14740 72 diekk7host 0 0 0 2 4 0 4725 0 100 0 0 10 1 0 100 40 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 14745 14740 72 diekk7host 0 0 0 2 5 0 4726 0 100 0 0 10 1 0 100 40 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 14746 14740 72 diekk7host 0 0 0 2 6 0 4727 0 100 0 0 10 1 0 100 40 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Exclusive Add Epic Pirate Wepon And Skilles hqhti hghdf; fdvj ;hlg !
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
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الفارس نور
r0mio0o ![]() ![]() |
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