من مواضيع :TheGamer |
#region Full Stuff With Soul P7
case 32930:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello There [ " + client.Player.Name + " ] Would You Like To Buy Full Stuff With P7 Soul And New Wings Just For [ 1 ] CPS");
dialog.Option("[ Full Ninja Stuff P7 ]", 3);
dialog.Option("[ Full Monk Stuff P7 ]", 4);
dialog.Option("[ Full Toaist Stuff P7 ]", 5);
dialog.Option("[ Full Trojan Stuff P7 ]", 6);
dialog.Option("[ Full Pirate Stuff P7 ]", 7);
dialog.Option("[ Full Warrior Stuff P7 ]", 8);
dialog.Option("[ Full Archer Stuff P7 ]", 9);
dialog.Option("[ Full LeeLong Stuff P7 ]", 11);
dialog.Option("[ Full Windwalker Stuff P7 ]", 12);
dialog.Option("Steed ~ Tower ~ Fan ~ Wing", 130);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
#region Steed > tower > fan > wing > Crop
case 130:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
uint itemid1 = 300000;//Steed
uint itemid2 = 202009;//Tower
uint itemid3 = 201009;//Fan
uint itemid4 = 204009;//Wing
uint itemid5 = 203009;//Crop
// uint itemid6 = 2100075;//Cup
MsgItemInfo item1 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item1.ID = itemid1;
item1.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item1.Plus = 3;
// item1.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item1.Durability = item1.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid1].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item1, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item2 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item2.ID = itemid2;
item2.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item2.Plus = 3;
item2.Bless = 1;
// item2.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item2.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item2.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item2.Durability = item2.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid2].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item2, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item3 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item3.ID = itemid3;
item3.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item3.Plus = 3;
item3.Bless = 1;
//item3.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item3.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item3.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item3.Durability = item3.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid3].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item3, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item4 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item4.ID = itemid4;
item4.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item4.Plus = 3;
item4.Bless = 0;
//item4.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item4.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item4.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item4.Durability = item4.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid4].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item4, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item5 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item5.ID = itemid5;
item5.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item5.Plus = 3;
item5.Bless = 1;
//item5.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item5.Durability = item5.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid5].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item5, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
// MsgItemInfo item6 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
// item6.ID = itemid6;
// item6.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
// item6.Plus = 0;
// item6.Bless = 1;
// item6.SocketOne = 0;
//item6.SocketTwo = 0;
// item6.Durability = item6.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid6].Durability;
// client.Inventory.Add(item6, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 12://WindWallker
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(101309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//armor p6
client.Inventory.AddSoul(170309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//headgear p6
client.Inventory.AddSoul(626439, 801308, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Windwalker p6
client.Inventory.AddSoul(626439, 801308, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Windwalker p6
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 3://ninja
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800142, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800142, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(616439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Nobunaga`sSwiftClaw
client.Inventory.AddSoul(616439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Nobunaga`sSwiftClaw
client.Inventory.AddSoul(135309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorNinja
client.Inventory.AddSoul(123309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//NinjaHood
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 4://Monk
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(622439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Epic
client.Inventory.AddSoul(622439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Epic
client.Inventory.AddSoul(610439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Beads
client.Inventory.AddSoul(610439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Beads
client.Inventory.AddSoul(136309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorMonk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(143309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapMonk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 5://Fire And Water
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(619439, 801104, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//UniverseHossu
client.Inventory.AddSoul(421439, 800522, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//BackSword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(620439, 800522, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ImperialBacksword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(134309, 822072, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorFire
client.Inventory.AddSoul(114309, 820076, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapFire
client.Inventory.AddSoul(152279, 823060, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bracelet
client.Inventory.AddSoul(121269, 821034, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bag
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824020, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 6://Trojan
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(480439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//NirvanaClub
client.Inventory.AddSoul(410439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Blade
client.Inventory.AddSoul(420439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Sword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(490439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Dagger
client.Inventory.AddSoul(614439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Epic
client.Inventory.AddSoul(614439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Epic
client.Inventory.AddSoul(130309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorTrojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(118309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapTrojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 7://Pirate
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(611439, 800811, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Rapier
client.Inventory.AddSoul(612439, 800810, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Pistol
client.Inventory.AddSoul(139309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorPirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(144309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapPirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 8://Warrior
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(560439, 800215, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Spear
client.Inventory.AddSoul(900309, 800422, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Shield
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801218, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Fist Break
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801218, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Fist Break
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801216, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Fist Strick
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801216, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Fist Strick
client.Inventory.AddSoul(410439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Blade
client.Inventory.AddSoul(420439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Sword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(490439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Dagger
client.Inventory.AddSoul(131309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorWarrior
client.Inventory.AddSoul(111309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapWarrior
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 9://Archer
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(613429, 800917, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Knife
client.Inventory.AddSoul(613429, 800917, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Knife
client.Inventory.AddSoul(500429, 800618, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bow
client.Inventory.AddSoul(133309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorArcher
client.Inventory.AddSoul(113309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapArcher
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 11://LeeLong
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
client.Inventory.AddSoul(617439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(617439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(138309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CombatSuit(Lv.140)
client.Inventory.AddSoul(148309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//LegendHood
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
hvd] hgju]dg ugd hghk fd sd ]i
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: TheGamer
ممكن تعدل عليه وتخليه يدي عتاد +12 بس منغير اي اضافه تاني يكون +12 بس
#region Full Stuff With Soul P7
case 32930:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey there " + client.Player.Name + " Would you like to take Full Stuff For 35m Cps");
dialog.Option("Stuff Bruce_LeeP7", 1);
dialog.Option("Stuff NinjaP7 New Epic", 3);
dialog.Option("Stuff MonkP7 New Epic", 4);
dialog.Option("Stuff TaoistP7 New Epic", 5);
dialog.Option("Stuff TrojanP7 New Epic", 6);
dialog.Option("Stuff PirateP7", 7);
dialog.Option("Stuff WarriorP7", 8);
dialog.Option("Stuff ArcherP7", 9);
dialog.Option("Stuff WindWalkerP7", 10);
dialog.Option("Steed ~ Tower ~ Fan ~ Wing", 130);
//dialog.Option("Tower", 11);
//dialog.Option("Fan", 12);
//dialog.Option("wink", 14);
//dialog.Option("crpb", 15);
#region Steed > tower > fan > wing > Crop
case 130:
uint itemid1 = 300000;//Steed
uint itemid2 = 202009;//Tower
uint itemid3 = 201009;//Fan
uint itemid4 = 204009;//Wing
uint itemid5 = 203009;//Crop
uint itemid6 = 2100075;//Cup
uint R = 187,
G = 135,
B = 201;
MsgItemInfo item1 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item1.ID = itemid1;
item1.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item1.Plus = 12;
item1.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item1.PerfectionOwner = client.Player.Name;
item1.PerfectionOwnerGuid = client.Player.UID;
item1.PerfectionProgress = 11970;
item1.SocketProgress = (uint)(B | (G << 8) | (R << 16));
item1.Color = (Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(3, 9);
item1.Durability = item1.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid1].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item1, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item2 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item2.ID = itemid2;
item2.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item2.Plus = 12;
item2.Bless = 1;
item2.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item2.PerfectionOwner = client.Player.Name;
item2.PerfectionOwnerGuid = client.Player.UID;
item2.PerfectionProgress = 11970;
item2.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item2.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item2.Durability = item2.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid2].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item2, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item3 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item3.ID = itemid3;
item3.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item3.Plus = 12;
item3.Bless = 1;
item3.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item3.PerfectionOwner = client.Player.Name;
item3.PerfectionOwnerGuid = client.Player.UID;
item3.PerfectionProgress = 11970;
item3.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item3.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item3.Durability = item3.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid3].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item3, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item4 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item4.ID = itemid4;
item4.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item4.Plus = 12;
item4.Bless = 0;
item4.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item4.PerfectionOwner = client.Player.Name;
item4.PerfectionOwnerGuid = client.Player.UID;
item4.PerfectionProgress = 11970;
item4.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item4.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item4.Durability = item4.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid4].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item4, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item5 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item5.ID = itemid5;
item5.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item5.Plus = 12;
item5.Bless = 1;
item5.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item5.PerfectionOwner = client.Player.Name;
item5.PerfectionOwnerGuid = client.Player.UID;
item5.PerfectionProgress = 11970;
item5.Durability = item5.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid5].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item5, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item6 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item6.ID = itemid6;
item6.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item6.Plus = 0;
item6.Bless = 1;
item6.SocketOne = 0;
item6.SocketTwo = 0;
item6.Durability = item6.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid6].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item6, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
case 10://WindWalker
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1;
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege Steed Fixed 12 255 255 0 0 142 39 46", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege RidingCrop 9 12 1 000 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege HeavenFan 9 12 1 000 103 103", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege StarTower 9 12 1 000 123 123", client);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(626439, 801308, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(626439, 801308, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(101309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bruce_LeeArmor
client.Inventory.AddSoul(170309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bruce_LeeHood
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("شكرا لهذه الهدية كنت قد حصلت الروح استقرت إلى الأبد ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 1://Bruce_Lee
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1;
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege Steed Fixed 12 255 255 0 0 142 39 46", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege RidingCrop 9 12 1 000 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege HeavenFan 9 12 1 000 103 103", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege StarTower 9 12 1 000 123 123", client);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(617439, 801004, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(617439, 801004, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(138309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bruce_LeeArmor
client.Inventory.AddSoul(148309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bruce_LeeHood
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 3://ninja
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1;
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege Steed Fixed 12 255 255 0 0 142 39 46", client);
////MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege SilverPrize NormalV3 0 0 0 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege RidingCrop 9 12 1 000 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege HeavenFan 9 12 1 000 103 103", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege StarTower 9 12 1 000 123 123", client);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(511439, 800255, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Scythe
client.Inventory.AddSoul(511439, 800255, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Scythe
// client.Inventory.AddSoul(616439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
// client.Inventory.AddSoul(616439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800142, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800142, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(135309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorNinja
client.Inventory.AddSoul(123309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//NinjaHood
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 4://Monk
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1;
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege Steed Fixed 12 255 255 0 0 142 39 46", client);
//// MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege SilverPrize NormalV3 0 0 0 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege RidingCrop 9 12 1 000 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege HeavenFan 9 12 1 000 103 103", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege StarTower 9 12 1 000 123 123", client);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(610439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Beads
// client.Inventory.AddSoul(610439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Beads
client.Inventory.AddSoul(136309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorMonk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(143309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapMonk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 5://Fire And Water
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1;
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege Steed Fixed 12 255 255 0 0 142 39 46", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege SilverPrize NormalV3 0 0 0 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege RidingCrop 9 12 1 000 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege HeavenFan 9 12 1 000 103 103", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege StarTower 9 12 1 000 123 123", client);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(421439, 800522, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//BackSword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(620439, 800522, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ImperialBacksword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(619439, 801104, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(134309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorFire
client.Inventory.AddSoul(114309, 820076, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapFire
client.Inventory.AddSoul(152279, 823060, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bracelet
client.Inventory.AddSoul(121269, 821034, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bag
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 6://Trojan
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1;
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege Steed Fixed 12 255 255 0 0 142 39 46", client);
//// MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege SilverPrize NormalV3 0 0 0 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege RidingCrop 9 12 1 000 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege HeavenFan 9 12 1 000 103 103", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege StarTower 9 12 1 000 123 123", client);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(480439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Clup
client.Inventory.AddSoul(614429, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ShadowCrossSaber
client.Inventory.AddSoul(614429, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ShadowCrossSaber
client.Inventory.AddSoul(410439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Blade
client.Inventory.AddSoul(420439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Sword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(130309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorTrojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(118309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapTrojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 7://Pirate
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1;
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege Steed Fixed 12 255 255 0 0 142 39 46", client);
////MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege SilverPrize NormalV3 0 0 0 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege RidingCrop 9 12 1 000 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege HeavenFan 9 12 1 000 103 103", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege StarTower 9 12 1 000 123 123", client);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(611439, 800811, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Rapier
client.Inventory.AddSoul(612439, 800810, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Pistol
client.Inventory.AddSoul(139309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorPirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(144309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapPirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 8://Warrior
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1;
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege Steed Fixed 12 255 255 0 0 142 39 46", client);
////MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege SilverPrize NormalV3 0 0 0 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege RidingCrop 9 12 1 000 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege HeavenFan 9 12 1 000 103 103", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege StarTower 9 12 1 000 123 123", client);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801216, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801216, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(560439, 800215, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Spear
client.Inventory.AddSoul(900309, 800422, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Shield
client.Inventory.AddSoul(131309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorWarrior
client.Inventory.AddSoul(111309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapWarrior
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
case 13:
uint itemid1 = 300000;//BattleSpear
MsgItemInfo item1 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item1.ID = itemid1;
item1.Color = ScreamCo.Game.Enums.Color.White;
item1.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item1.Plus = 12;
item1.Durability = item1.MaximDurability = ScreamCo.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid1].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item1, ScreamCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
case 11:
uint itemid1 = 202009;//BattleSpear
MsgItemInfo item1 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item1.ID = itemid1;
item1.Color = ScreamCo.Game.Enums.Color.White;
item1.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item1.Plus = 12;
//item6.Bless = 1;
item1.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item1.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item1.Durability = item1.MaximDurability = ScreamCo.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid1].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item1, ScreamCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
case 12:
uint itemid1 = 201009;//BattleSpear
MsgItemInfo item1 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item1.ID = itemid1;
item1.Color = ScreamCo.Game.Enums.Color.White;
item1.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item1.Plus = 12;
//item6.Bless = 1;
item1.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item1.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item1.Durability = item1.MaximDurability = ScreamCo.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid1].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item1, ScreamCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
case 14:
uint itemid1 = 204009;//BattleSpear
MsgItemInfo item1 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item1.ID = itemid1;
item1.Color = ScreamCo.Game.Enums.Color.White;
item1.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item1.Plus = 12;
//item6.Bless = 1;
item1.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item1.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item1.Durability = item1.MaximDurability = ScreamCo.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid1].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item1, ScreamCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
case 15:
uint itemid1 = 203009;//BattleSpear
MsgItemInfo item1 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item1.ID = itemid1;
item1.Color = ScreamCo.Game.Enums.Color.White;
item1.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item1.Plus = 12;
//item6.Bless = 1;
// item1.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
// item1.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item1.Durability = item1.MaximDurability = ScreamCo.Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid1].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item1, ScreamCo.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
case 9://Archer
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= 1)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 1;
////client.Player.ConquerPointsFake -= 1;
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege Steed Fixed 12 255 255 0 0 142 39 46", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege RidingCrop 9 12 1 000 0 0", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege HeavenFan 9 12 1 000 103 103", client);
//MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege StarTower 9 12 1 000 123 123", client);
// MsgChat.CheckCommand2("@tegotegatege SilverPrize NormalV3 0 0 0 0 0", client);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(613429, 800917, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Knife
client.Inventory.AddSoul(613429, 800917, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Knife
client.Inventory.AddSoul(500429, 800618, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bow
client.Inventory.AddSoul(133309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorArcher
client.Inventory.AddSoul(113309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapArcher
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
dialog.Text("You Don't Have Cps Please Back Again When u Have 1 Cps ");
dialog.Option("i will ", 255);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(101309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);
//armor p6
لو عاوز تمسح دمج امسح كود ده
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: TheGamer
ممكن تعدل عليه وتخليه يدي عتاد +12 بس منغير اي اضافه تاني يكون +12 بس
#region Full Stuff With Soul P7
case 32930:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello There [ " + client.Player.Name + " ] Would You Like To Buy Full Stuff With P7 Soul And New Wings Just For [ 1 ] CPS");
dialog.Option("[ Full Ninja Stuff P7 ]", 3);
dialog.Option("[ Full Monk Stuff P7 ]", 4);
dialog.Option("[ Full Toaist Stuff P7 ]", 5);
dialog.Option("[ Full Trojan Stuff P7 ]", 6);
dialog.Option("[ Full Pirate Stuff P7 ]", 7);
dialog.Option("[ Full Warrior Stuff P7 ]", 8);
dialog.Option("[ Full Archer Stuff P7 ]", 9);
dialog.Option("[ Full LeeLong Stuff P7 ]", 11);
dialog.Option("[ Full Windwalker Stuff P7 ]", 12);
dialog.Option("Steed ~ Tower ~ Fan ~ Wing", 130);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
#region Steed > tower > fan > wing > Crop
case 130:
uint itemid1 = 300000;//Steed
uint itemid2 = 202009;//Tower
uint itemid3 = 201009;//Fan
uint itemid4 = 204009;//Wing
uint itemid5 = 203009;//Crop
// uint itemid6 = 2100075;//Cup
MsgItemInfo item1 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item1.ID = itemid1;
item1.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item1.Plus = 12;
// item1.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item1.Durability = item1.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid1].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item1, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item2 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item2.ID = itemid2;
item2.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item2.Plus = 12;
item2.Bless = 0;
// item2.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item2.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item2.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item2.Durability = item2.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid2].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item2, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item3 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item3.ID = itemid3;
item3.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item3.Plus = 12;
item3.Bless = 0;
//item3.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item3.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item3.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item3.Durability = item3.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid3].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item3, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item4 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item4.ID = itemid4;
item4.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item4.Plus = 12;
item4.Bless = 0;
//item4.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item4.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperThunderGem;
item4.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperGloryGem;
item4.Durability = item4.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid4].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item4, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
MsgItemInfo item5 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
item5.ID = itemid5;
item5.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
item5.Plus = 12;
item5.Bless = 0;
//item5.PerfectionLevel = 54;
item5.Durability = item5.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid5].Durability;
client.Inventory.Add(item5, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
// MsgItemInfo item6 = new MsgItemInfo(true);
// item6.ID = itemid6;
// item6.Color = Game.Enums.Color.White;
// item6.Plus = 0;
// item6.Bless = 0;
// item6.SocketOne = 0;
//item6.SocketTwo = 0;
// item6.Durability = item6.MaximDurability = Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[itemid6].Durability;
// client.Inventory.Add(item6, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
case 12://WindWallker
client.Inventory.AddSoul(101309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//armor p6
client.Inventory.AddSoul(170309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//headgear p6
client.Inventory.AddSoul(626439, 801308, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Windwalker p6
client.Inventory.AddSoul(626439, 801308, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Windwalker p6
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 3://ninja
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800142, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800142, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(616439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Nobunaga`sSwiftClaw
client.Inventory.AddSoul(616439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Nobunaga`sSwiftClaw
client.Inventory.AddSoul(135309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorNinja
client.Inventory.AddSoul(123309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//NinjaHood
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 4://Monk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(622439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Epic
client.Inventory.AddSoul(622439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Epic
client.Inventory.AddSoul(610439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Beads
client.Inventory.AddSoul(610439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Beads
client.Inventory.AddSoul(136309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorMonk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(143309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapMonk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 5://Fire And Water
client.Inventory.AddSoul(619439, 801104, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//UniverseHossu
client.Inventory.AddSoul(421439, 800522, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//BackSword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(620439, 800522, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ImperialBacksword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(134309, 822072, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorFire
client.Inventory.AddSoul(114309, 820076, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapFire
client.Inventory.AddSoul(152279, 823060, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bracelet
client.Inventory.AddSoul(121269, 821034, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bag
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824020, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 6://Trojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(480439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//NirvanaClub
client.Inventory.AddSoul(410439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Blade
client.Inventory.AddSoul(420439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Sword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(490439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Dagger
client.Inventory.AddSoul(614439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Epic
client.Inventory.AddSoul(614439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Epic
client.Inventory.AddSoul(130309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorTrojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(118309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapTrojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 7://Pirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(611439, 800811, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Rapier
client.Inventory.AddSoul(612439, 800810, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Pistol
client.Inventory.AddSoul(139309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorPirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(144309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapPirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 8://Warrior
client.Inventory.AddSoul(560439, 800215, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Spear
client.Inventory.AddSoul(900309, 800422, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Shield
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801218, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Fist Break
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801218, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Fist Break
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801216, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Fist Strick
client.Inventory.AddSoul(624439, 801216, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Fist Strick
client.Inventory.AddSoul(410439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Blade
client.Inventory.AddSoul(420439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Sword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(490439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Dagger
client.Inventory.AddSoul(131309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorWarrior
client.Inventory.AddSoul(111309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapWarrior
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 9://Archer
client.Inventory.AddSoul(613429, 800917, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Knife
client.Inventory.AddSoul(613429, 800917, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Knife
client.Inventory.AddSoul(500429, 800618, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bow
client.Inventory.AddSoul(133309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorArcher
client.Inventory.AddSoul(113309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapArcher
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 11://LeeLong
client.Inventory.AddSoul(617439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(617439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//SkyNunchaku
client.Inventory.AddSoul(138309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CombatSuit(Lv.140)
client.Inventory.AddSoul(148309, 820073, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//LegendHood
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823058, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824018, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("Thanks For This Stuff Gift .. You Have Got Stuff +12 And P7 Soul [The AurionConquer].");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
عنوان الموضوع | الكاتب | الردود | الزوار | آخر رد |
سورس كونكر 6020 كامل Conquer online source Full بعد التعديل منى سورس كامل |
Matrix |
77 | 18656 | amrfarhat |
سورس Soure 6500 2D Full Fixed + شرح التشغيل والتعديل علي كل حاجه |
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138 | 22947 | jey547 |
برنامج التعديل على الصور ال DDS |
mohammed roshdy |
55 | 20610 | ahmedsaied0 |
برنامج KingOfPrograms يشمل برامج عمل سيرفر والتعديل by Mr.Monk |
Matrix |
14 | 9535 | jey547 |
سورس طوفان v4 | مع بعض التعديلات و الاضافات الجديده |
ابو ريتاج |
145 | 20999 | AbGFx |
الأعضاء الذين شاهدوا الموضوع: 13 |
رفيق القلم ، eduardmanuel ، shehabdasten ، bebo1000 ، osamaalprof ، eduard29 ، اونجا ، bebefox ، ibrahim123011 ، علاء نصر ، Zoka ، nato ، Awad ، |
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